Downloads & free print templates

Download our free templates: great wallpapers and our print templates for beautiful stamp DIYs for various occasions.

wallpapers for mobile & desktop

Perlenfischer stamp motifs are also available as a screen background for your mobile phone and desktop!


Free print templates

Our annual calendar for 2024, simply print it out, stamp it according to your preferences and look forward to next year!

Keep track of the birthdays of your loved ones

Stamp this print template with your children for an individual timetable for school.

Create beautiful egg cosies out of fabric or paper with this template.

Get creative and design great Easter DIYs with our bunny template.

Make great napkin rings for your Easter table with our stamps and the free template.

You can use this print template to make cute bunny bags for your Easter gifts.

Brighten up your Easter plates with this cute napkin bag.

This egg template is perfect for great Easter DIYs. Try it out for yourself.

Lass den Frühling einziehen mit diesen tollen Anhängern für deinen Osterstrauch oder deine Geschenke.

Kreiere liebevolle DIY's mit unserer Sweetheart Vorlage.


Create lovely DIYs with our sweetheart template.

Mond, Sterne, Wolken & ein Strampler. Gestalte zuckersüße DIY Karten zur Geburt.

Bestempelt mit euren Kindern diese Druckvorlage für einen individuellen Stundenplan.

Stamp your wish list for Santa.

Create these pretty paper houses for your home at Christmas time.

Everything at a glance - With a self-stamped to-do list, completing your tasks is twice as much fun.

Die weihnachtliche Stricksocke für dein kreatives und persönliches Geldgeschenk.

Kreiere diese hübschen Papierhäuser für dein weihnachtliches Zuhause.

Verwende diese Schleifen Vorlage für deine Weihnachts- oder Geburtstags- DIY's.

Gift box for your small presents such as cookies, pendants and more.

Whether cut out or not, this Christmas tree template is versatile and can be used for Christmas greetings to your loved ones.

Fir tree template for your Christmas table.

Enchant your windows with mistletoe and spread the Christmas spirit.

Enchant your windows with these beautiful window motifs.

Add these great designs to your stock of paper tags and personalize Christmas even more.

Use the bat template for your spooky Halloween decoration


Boooooo! This wall decoration will turn your Halloween party into spooky fun.

Make your own candy bags quickly and easily.



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