Postcard set | Leftover box
Postcard set | Leftover box


Postcard set | Leftover box

Sale price€19,90
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SKU: P063
In this leftover box you will find different postcards with small flaws, but they can still be wonderfully stamped. Be surprised by the colors and patterns!

Holschliffkarten (ca. 13 Stück)
Maße: DIN A6
Material: stabile Holzschliffpappe
Vorderseite: Verschiedene Muster
Rückseite: Verschiedene Muster hellgrau

Postkarten Dot (ca. 42 Stück)
Maße: DINA A6
Grammatur: 350 g/m²
Vorderseite: Unterschiedliche Farben
Rückseite: Pünktchenmuster in hellgrau

Perfect for stamping

The smooth surface is ideal for stamping. The circle in the middle will help you placing the stamps.

Dotted back

The back of the postcards is printed with a very fine light gray dot grid.

FSC certified

The paper has been certified with the FSC and EU Ecolabel.

coordinated color palette

The colors of our dot cards and ink pads are coordinated - for a harmonious stamping result.

Blanko Karte bestempeln großer stempel kleiner stempel stempelkissen dot karte

The blank card

How should I start?

Step 1: Place a larger motif in the middle of the card.

Step 2: Then add smaller motifs to the larger one.

Step 3: Fill in the outside area of ​​the card, for example with a pattern of flowers or twigs

blanko karte dot postkarte bestempeln kranz stempeln kleine stempel

stampin tip

stamp wreaths

Use the circle as a guide to create awesome wreaths. Also stamp over the edge for a more dynamic finish.


Dot cards for every occasion

blanko karte bestempeln stempel tiere rosa karte

Postcard dot antique pink

blanko karte bestempeln dot postkarte braun stempel herbst stempel blumen

Postcard dot mocca

blanko karte dot postkarte orange einladungskarte stempeln halloween stempel

Postcard Dot apricot

blanko karte kreis postkarte grün karte bunt hochzeitskarte stempeln

Postcard Dot may green

blanko karte bestempeln kreis postkarte gelb stempel ostern

Postcard Dot lemon

blanko karte bestempeln dot postkarte rot weihnachtskarten stempeln

Postcard Dot Red

blanko karten bestempeln dot postkarte blau Geburtstagskarten selbst stempeln

Postcard Dot Cornflower

perlenfischer kreditkarte mit schloss symbolisiert sichere zahlung

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